Thursday, May 10, 2018

Field of Flowers

The fields near me were planted in soy beans last summer but this summer it has been to wet in the fields for the farmers to work them, so far. For what ever reason these weeds or wild flowers, which ever you want to consider them as, have taken over the fields. Most of them are yellow, almost daisy-like flower. And mixed in are white flowers. The yellow ones are usually dominating the fields except for one where there is mostly white flowers with only a few of the yellow flowers. I dread the thought of the fields getting dry enough for the farmers to plant a crop.

There are lots of birds in these fields. This is a redwinged blackbird. I see robins, doves, and regular blackbirds. 

 Old tobacco barns in field.

This deer was right at the edge of the field just across the road from my house. 

This sunset was behind our house yesterday.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

What beautiful wild flowers, and the deer is stunning, well captured xxx