Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Dogwood Tree

I had always heard how pretty the dogwood trees are when they bloom but had never seen them. We walked back to the ramshakle barn that is just off of our property yesterday and found some dogwoods. Lee knew what they were as he had seen them lots when he was growing up in West Virginia. I had seen some thing blooming white out in the woods but didn't want to get off the trails to where they were. These were right on the trail so I was able to see them close up and take photos. I have yet to look them up and find out why they are called dogwood. I see nothing about them to remind me of a dog. The blossom is quite large about 4 to 5 inches across. The trees are on the small side as trees go around here. Maybe up to 12 feet tall and almost more of a shrub. 

 This is the old barn behind our place and you can just barely make out the dogwood in the trees on the left side. (if you know what you are looking for)
Here is what I have seen out in the woods. You would never guess this little tree had such large blossoms on it.

Fern that was under the dogwood tree.

Small yellow wildflower that was in the field by the barn.

This is looking from the barn back toward the back of our house. There are lots of large trees around our property line with wild roses and honeysuckle mixed into them. Honeysuckle is just starting to flower. 


Cindy said...

I think we call that Dog Rose or Alexander Rose here .. not sure! Is the yellow flower a Buttercup?

Sage said...

Not sure what the yellow flower is. I supposed it could be called a buttercup but not what we called a buttercup in New Mexico, which was also called a desert primrose.