Thursday, May 3, 2018

Found in My Yard

I have found lots of little, and I mean little, wild flowers in and near my yard. Most of the ones I have found have been white. So far I haven't been able to find out names for them. 

Of course there is plenty of dandelions. 

And this wild, yellow weed that is growing in al the fields that had soy beans in them last year and haven't been planted this year as it has been to wet to get the tractor and equipment into the fields.

And then there was this guy or gal one morning. He was sitting on the railing on the four steps that lead up to the fornt porch. At first I thought it was a lump of mud that got up there some how. But when I looked closer I could see the eyes and gradually I made out the hind legs. As it was a cool morning he was to cold to move. I moved him or her into the little pile of leaves you can just see under the metal rail. It stayed there most of the day. When evening came I didn't figure that was the best place for him and moved him over beheath the trees along the edge of the yard where there were more, lots more of the old oak leaves for him to bury into. I looked him up on the internet and found he is called the gray tree toad. 


Cindy said...

What an unusual colour for a toad! xxx

Sage said...

this toad is the color of the dirt here when it is dry. When wet the dirt is alsomt black when dry the gray color.