Monday, May 28, 2018

Flower Photos

So I may have put some of these on before but I am in love with these tulip trees. Plus I know the flowers will be gone soon.

All of the good flowers are so high up I couldn't get a photo looking down into the flower. And the ones that I found on the ground were to far gone. Any way you can almost see the inside of this one.

this is a couple of the flowers on the clematis that I bought last week. I had always wanted one and they just won't grow in New Mexico. I tried but they refused in that hot, dry weather. 

 Close ups of honeysuckle blossoms. In the morning the sweet smell is almost over powering it is so strong.
 Wild flower found by the road while walking Ziva.
I have been pleasently suprised that there is a clump of some sort of yucca in our yard. The neighbors have some, too. I didn't know there was any kind of yucca that would live in this much wet. I think the ones we had back in New Mexico would rot with this much water. Have been looking yuccas up but can't find this one, or at least that it is this one for sure. There are several different types of yuccas and some kind or another can be found over most of the Americas. 

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