Friday, May 18, 2018

Tulip Tree

I found a new tree in our neighborhood. One I was not familiar with. It's the tulip tree. I guess people that live in Kentucky and this area of the U. S. know about them. I had heard of them but never seen one until I moved here. And even then I didn't know what it was until they started blooming this week. I knew we had several oak trees in our yard and assumed this other big tree in the back was another oak as the bark looked like an oak. And when it started to leave out the leaves did have almost an oak leaf look to them. But the other day while walking the dog down the road by our place I noticed strange orange and yellow petals on the ground. I looked all around that area and couldn't figure out where they came from. Later that evening taking another walk I happened to look up and saw saw these beautiful tulip shaped flowers high in a tree we had thought was an oak tree. I knew what it was as I had read about them but was it ever a surprise. Now that we knew what we were looking for we discovered several tulip trees behind our property and a lot more down the road from us. I took lots of photos of them and was sure glad to have a good zoom on my camera as most of the flowers are way over my head. Because of the color of the flowers they don't show up that much and almost look like a different kind of leaf on the tree until you learn to see them.

 We figure this big tulip tree in our yard, which is the only one actually on our property is about 40 feet tall and must be quite old considering the size of the trunk.

The base of the tulip tree is about 3 to 4 feet across and has a Virginia creeper (I think) growing up it.

this is a good view of the leaves and a flower bud.

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