Friday, November 15, 2019

Three Rivers Petroglyph Site

Three Rivers (named for 3 creeks that come together somewhere in the area but we couldn't find out where) was probably the place we liked best on our trip through southeastern New Mexico. Carlsbad Cavern's was really unique and unforgettable but Three Rivers Petroglyph Site was so beautiful and peaceful. The trail through the petroglyphs was a bit more than I wanted to tackle after hiking through the Cavern's the day before. So, again, Sarah took the camera and hiked out to take photos. The petroglyphs here are so different from the ones I had seen at Petroglyph Park in Albuquerque, NM. You can tell they were probably made by a different group of people when you see the different designs. Many of these designs use circles and zig zags. There are said to be over 20000 different petroglyphs over the park. Sad to say many have been de-faced by uncaring visitors that use knives, keys and other things to mark through the original designs and had their own names and dates to the lava rocks. 

This little bird posed for it's photo. We couldn't figure out what kind it is. As all over the desert there were birds, lizards, coyotes, rabbits, and other rodents as well as rattlesnakes. We didn't see any snakes on our outings but we talked to people that had seen a snake or so at all the places we went to.

Sarah to a phot of me sitting enjoying the piece and quiet and all the beauty as I waited for her to return from her hike.

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