Monday, November 11, 2019

Lincoln, New Mexico

After another night in White City we hit the road headed for Lincoln, New Mexico. Some New Mexican roads are very straight with not a lot to look at. But when you do come to a scenic place it is well worth the drive. We thought of stopping in Roswell to see if we could find any aliens but decided a dose of true Western Frontier life was what we would prefer.

We stopped at a rest area that told some of the Billy the Kid story which Sarah's dog Ruby seemed to be reading along with us.

We arrived in Lincoln to find it hadn't changed much in the last hundred years or so. They have done that on purpose so it is primarily a place for tourist that want to actually touch what it was actually like when the Lincoln County War happened in 1870's and 1880's. You can visit many old buildings and the famous Tunstall and Hubbard stores. Visit the different buildings that have been courthouses in Lincoln including the one that Billy the Kid escaped from and during the escape he killed Deputy Robert Ollinger. Lincoln is not the only town where Billy killed someone. I lived in Silver City, NM for a number of years and that is where Billy, said to be only 12, supposedly killed a man after he insulted his mother. Billy's mother is buried in a Silver City Cemetery. 

Some of the building had a fee to enter and look around and others didn't. We by passed the museum and saw this old courthouse.

Me in front of Tunstall store.
The famous building Billy the Kid escaped from. The first story was used as a courthouse and the upper part was the jail and sheriff's office.

This was an interesting old building with a bit of a joke as it offered horse parking.

Photo of an old adobe wall. Adobe are the bricks used in a lot of New Mexican building that are made of the native dirt and straw or grass. Adobe walls could keep a home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. But being mostly dirt they will, in time, sort of melt away with the rain, wind and weather. This wall was still standing but was in need of repair. I have no idea how old it actually was but would bet is was there when Billy the Kid walked the streets of Lincoln.

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