Monday, September 25, 2017

Off To Visit West Virginia

We had only been in Kentucky when our trail took us to Petersburg, West Virginia to visit Lee's relatives. He grew up in Petersburg but hadn't been back since his dad passed in Feb. of 1999. Since then he had lost his mom and brother but didn't make it back. His sister, Linda, is still living there and we were glad to see her and visit. I hadn't been back to Petersburg since 1992. While there we were able to visit the old farm Lee and Linda grew up on. First photo is a foot bridge across Mill Creek Run. Second is a photo of Linda and Lee and Ziva, our dog. Yes, we took Ziva with us. She and Linda got along well.

This is the old log cabin they lived in. The white part of the house has been put on by the new owners who use it as a weekend get-a-way, I think. When Lee and Linda were growing up there was no electricity or plumbing. I don't think any kids would agree to live that way now.

 Linda and Lee with their old home behind them.
Linda and me.

 Lee and me and Ziva, the dog.
Close up of the part of the chimney and log cabin wall.

A very old sugar maple tree that Lee played in as a boy. Notice the large burl near the base.

This was the smoke house when they were kids. They would hang the meat in here to cure. Not sure what it is being used for now

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