Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wildlife Days

The past couple of days we have had lots of wildlife around our property. 3 does decided to walk through the field across from us and then down the road.

A couple of days ago my dog, Ziva, decided to see how a toad tasted. She had her mouth on it when I saw them and gave the command, "Drop it" which I use to tell her to not eat whatever she has in her mouth. She had barely touched the toad. Maybe it didn't taste every good, so she backed off and after taking its photo I encouraged it to go hide in some flowers where it could eat bugs. 

One morning our resident chipmunks raided the pan of sunflower seeds, mostly for the birds.

The blue jays like the sunflower seeds but don't seem to be able to hang on the tuve feeders we put up for the finches, titmouse, gold finches, and woodpeckers. Of course all the birds use the plastic tub feeder as well.

Doves prefer to just eat off the ground.

Another day Ziva dug up a mole. She dropped it as soon as I told her too. It didn't seem hurt just confused at what had happened. After taking it's photo I pushed it back in the hole and later noticed it had disappeared leaving the hole filled in as they do. We have way to many of them but I didn't want Ziva to kill it. Funny creature and I don't think they are very smart or move very fast like other rodents. Chipmunds are really fast and seem smarter than any other rodent I have been around. 

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