Friday, April 9, 2021

My Random Thoughts #1

Trees and Desert

     All my life I have loved trees and, living mostly in the southwest states, I babied every tree that was in the yards around the houses I have lived in. I would water them because the desert doesn't get rain very often. I would fertilize them as the desert 'soil', mostly some kind of sand, isn't very good for growing trees. I would gather seeds off of trees that seemed to be doing good in yard or park or out on the desert, plant the seeds in pots, raise the baby trees until they were big enough to transplant into the yard. 

     Now I live in Kentucky. There are trees everywhere. I find myself cutting down the seedling trees that sprout like weeds in my yard. The top photo is of my back yard. 

    But when I see a photo of a desert, like the photos, below, I feel my heart go pitty-patter at the thought of all that big, wide, open country that you can see clear across to the far, far horizon. 


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