Saturday, September 5, 2020

My Random Thoughts #2

      Why is it I can hear and understand what is said on older TV shows that were made before 1980 better than I can understand and hear on the very new TV shows. And without having to turn the sound up as high. In fact the old black and white TV shows sound better that any thing newer. The mood music on the older shows can be quite irritating but mood music on new shows usually over powers what ever is being said. Are the afraid that what is being said doesn't make any since? It's like they think the viewers want to hear awful music instead of the dialog. And it's not just TV shows. Movies can be even worse. When trying to watch a newer movie on TV I end up turning the sound down so the music doesn't hurt my ears and having to turn it way up to hear the dialog. Thee have been lots of time I have given up watching movies and show because of this problem. 

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Exactly ....! Same here! I can't understand many actors on the telly as they mumble, clearly the King's English is no longer practiced :-P xxx