Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My Random Thought #5

 Fried Green Tomatoes? 

Why don't stores sell green tomatoes so we can have fried green tomatoes year round? Most of us can only have them if we grow them ourselves or know some one that has an over abundance of green tomatoes in their garden. And it seems most people love fried green tomatoes. I know we do.

Update - for those of you who have not had fried green tomatoes. They taste similar to fried zucchini squash. Slice the green tomato, cutting out the center part where the blossom was. Heat cooking oil to where it is hot enough to fry something.  Dunk in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper (some times I add a bit of cornmeal to this mix). Lay tomatoes with mix on them into the hot oil. Fry until as brown as you want it. Remove from oil and drain on paper towel. These are good as soon as cool enough to eat. I even like them left over and right out of the refrigerator.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I've not tried frying green tomatoes, how interesting. What do they taste of I wonder. xxx