Saturday, August 18, 2018


I have seen lots of butterflies this summer. Every time I go outside seems like I see at least one. They range in from a half inch so up to about 4 inches in size.  They seem to come in all colors. We have large ones that are mostly a rusty red color. There are a lot that are mostly black with like an iridescent blue or purple on the winds that are really pretty. There are small ones in almost white, to off white, to light green, to yellow, and orange. I have tried and tried to get photos of these flighty critters but they are very suspicious of anything that gets near them. About 3 feet is usually as close as I can get to those that are sitting still but most I see are on the fly. This little guy lit on a window shutter.

I got one of the same kind on the edge of the bird bath.

 The white spot in this photo is a small white butterfly.

Finally a butterfly that didn't fly away.

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