Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Oh, So Different

Since we have moved to Kentucky I find my days so different from what they were in New Mexico. A normal morning in New Mexico meant being woke up by bright sunlight about 6 am. In Kentucky I never see the morning sun until about 9 am or later. Before that it is usually foggy or if I am lucky just hazy. But that may be because we live so close to the Kentucky and Ohio Rivers. I hope it isn't that way everywhere in Kentucky 

This photo is off the road I live on in the early morning. You can barely see the trees. 

In New Mexico I would feed horses first thing in the mornings with a snack in late afternoon and a final feed at 9 pm. I, also, watered horses, and made sure my trees and plants were watered as well as the dogs, cats, wild birds, rabbits, coyotes and the local bull snake. Everything always needed water. 

New Mexico cholla cactus.

Tumbleweeds grow regardless if they have water or not. Then they blow around a pile up against anything that stops them like our wire fence. 

Only a few kinds of wild grass grow in the desert and don't last long. Large clumps of sage brush are everywhere. 

In Kentucky trees are everywhere as is grass and all kinds of green growth. This is the road I live on that was fog in the previous photo.
Another photo of the road that is almost a one lane road. 2 cars can pass on it if they are careful. This is a normal residential road here. They are narrow but paved unlike the sand, and caliche dirt road we had in New Mexico if you lived outside of a town. Powder dry most of the year. 

When I grew up if you said you were growing beans on your farm you meant pinto beans. Here in Kentucky you mean soy beans like the field of them next to my property. 

In New Mexico you never say a deer unless you were way up in the mountains. On the desert is was mostly rabbits, rock squirrels, birds, coyotes and sometimes a badger or prairie dog. Here in Kentucky the deer are everywhere. We see them in our yard and along our road and even in the middle of towns. There are also, raccoons, possums, skunks, and a birds. 

As much rain as we have here I still have to water the plants I have growing in containers once in a while. 

Evening on the desert usually brought bright sunsets. I am glad we have some nice sunsets here in Kentucky as well. The sunset photo above is New Mexico and the one below is Kentucky. 

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Lovely to see your posts, and the differences between NM and Kentucky. Brings back lovely memories of my visit to Louisville and the surrounding area when I was 17, only a couple of years ago … er hum! xxx