Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Wild Flowers

Every week or so I find a different wild flower that I have never seen before. Kentucky seems to be just full of little wildflowers. But then I have found that to be true most places if you get out and look. In my opinion most people do not take time to LOOK and see what is around them. These are the wildflowers I have found this week. These blue ones are chicory. I love this color.

This was smaller than it looks in the photo and maybe it is what is sometimes called oxeye daisy.

This little inch long orange flower was very cute and looked similar to some orchids but I couldn't find anything like it in my books or on the internet. They like to hang under the leaves of the plants they are on so I ended up putting some on top of the leaves so I could get photos. Other wise they were to shaded by the leaves.

I knew these looked like a carrot, but I didn't know there were wild carrots. The flowers are beautiful. A flat cluster of small flowers that can be as much as 4 or 5 inches across. I haven't pulled one up to see if there is the orange root on them.

Notice the bee on this wild carrot. (lower center of the photo.)

These yellow flowers were in a large group of plants. I haven't found a name for them yet.

Last fall I saw some dried, stickery, seed pots that I wondered what kind of flower they came from. I think this flower might be them. This is what I saw first, and thought it was some sort of thistle. I was surprised a few days later to see the cluster of tiny, light blue/purple flowers on what I thought was the flower. Very pretty and the bees love them. Still think it is a thistle but haven't found it in my research.

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