Saturday, August 28, 2021


There are several fields around us that are usually planted in soy beanc each summer. But this year corn was planted. Now we have a living fence around part of our proberty. Thats okay. We can't see out but no one can see in either. I was surprised at how tall the corn got. A good 7 or 8 feet tall. I have raised corn now and then in my gardens but it was always just a hand ful of seed making maybe 20 or so stalks. And what I grew was a good eating corn for corn on the cob. This corn is probably for use as cattle feed. That means it won't be harvested until it has dried completly. That means we will have our corn fence for several more months. 

Corn is actually in the grass family. The pollen at the top of the plant falls down onto the corn silks and each silk goes to a single grain of corn on the cob. As each grain of corn grows the ear of corn fills out until the grains are full. Then you can pick corn that you are planning on eating. If you want it for other uses you can leave it longer. 

Edge of our yard on one side.

Corn pollen.

This is our road into and away from our house. Glad this field of corn is only about a quarter of a mile long. I know there are places where the fields and miles long but not around here. 


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