Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Bill Board

One morning last week we noticed a lot of big trucks and equipment out in the soy bean field next to us right up against the freeway. We had no idea what they were doing. That day they raised the big black pipe in the center of the first photo and set it with 3 truck loads of concrete. And left it overnight. I didn't get any photos of that. By the time we realized they were at it again the next day they already had the huge metal cage around the big pipe. 

I didn't get any photos of them when they first pulled it up, but here is a photo of the crane still holding it in place. By now we had decided it had to be a billboard.

The next day there was a sign on it. They must have done it very early in the morning as we didn't see that either. It says rent me with a phone number

We went to the store and could see if from the freeway. Will be interesting how long it is before some one rents it for an advertisement. It has made a different in our view out that way but not as bad as I expected.

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