Friday, May 29, 2020


 This is the swing that is on our front porch. It hangs from a couple of chain from the roof. Nice place to sit in the evenings. The other day I decided to lift the cushion and get some loose leaves out from under it. Surprise! There was a little gray toad under the cushion. I moved it off and over into the bushes around the porch. On checking the next day it was there again. I am glad there was no sign that we had sat on the cushion and squished a toad at some point. Now every time we go to sit we have to check for our pet toad. What I can't understand is why it wants to get into the swing that is about 2 feet off the concrete floor. That is quite a jump for a little toad.

 There are lots of these little gray toads around here. I don't mind them as they eat lots of bugs. They don't seem to get any bigger that a few inches. Below is one I found down in one of the flower pots one day.

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