Sunday, May 24, 2020


After I put up the post on hand washing someone posted that maybe my pets were dirty. No, I don't figure that my pets are squeaky clean. But I do know they are cleaner than some pets I have been around. And even some people, I pulled out a few of my photos of the pets we have at this time. You may have seen them on some of my other posts. Ziva, the dog, gets brushed several times a week. I don't give her a bath as often as I should but she is frequently out in a rain shower and gets a rub down with one of her towels when we come in. The cats get brushed but no baths. I do use a wet towel to rub them down with when I think they need it. The don't even like that. I know people that do bathe there cats but I am not that fond of being scratched and I know my cats would scratch. I have bathed small kittens that needed it but my grown cats would be a handful to do. Even though the dog and cats are fairly clean they are hairy. I brush and brush and of course there are still hairs. Now and then I have spit cat hairs all my life. But I still don't like to eat them.First photo is of Ziva enjoying the snow last winter. The one little inch of snow we had the one time.

This is Silky. She is the only calico I have ever had out of the 25 cats that have been in my life.

This is Twinkie, the oldest of our cats. She is 8.
Silky again.
Ziva showing off the light coat we bought her the first winter we were here. This past winter was so warm she never needed it.

Ziva posing on the driveway.
Silky and her litter mate sister, Chantilly. Chantilly got blue eyes and Siamese marking from some relative. These two are 6 years old.

Cassie is a few weeks younger than Twinkie. They aren't sisters but we got them at the same time from Animal Control. She is my baby. She was only about 4 weeks old when we got her. I didn't have to put her on a bottle but thought she would never figure out how to drink kitten formula. She still acts as if she thinks I am her mom. Guess I am.

Cassie can be a real pest but we don't mind to much. Here she was inspecting the cupboards when we had the doors down to paint them.

This is Chantilly trying to take a nap.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Your pets aren't dirty … they are well looked after and loved, and its a pity that other owners aren't as responsible as you and your hubby. xxx