Saturday, September 3, 2022

More Wildlife

We have had a couple of very young raccoons hanging around the last couple of weeks, maybe 3 or 4 months old. We see the youngsters frequently but never any grown raccoons, so wonder if something happened to the mama. We noticed they were eating lots of the sunflower seeds we put out for the birds but figured they needed more in their diet so added in all the veggie and fruit trimmings we had along with a cup of cat food every day. Then last week they didn't come any more. I hope they found another place to call home. I didn't know if it was good to feed them or not as I know they can be very destructive. But couldn't resist if they were orphans. No, they were not gentle and I didn't want to be. I let the dog bark at them and it was great if they ran from us and went up the oak tree in the front yard. 

We always have opossums around. I really do not care for them. I don't like their looks and they do carry some unusual illness'. But I do know they are a native animal that has been here a very long time.

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