Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Feeding the Birds


The storm that hit all of the United States over the last week or so didn't affect us as bad as it lots of people for which we have been very thankful. We didn't have any electrical outages. Being retired there was no place we just had to go. I supposed we could have had appointments at the doctors or other things but we didn't and if we had we would have called and cancelled. We did have a total of about 5 inches of snow. At first it was a treat but then it got old. Especially the cold that came with it. But we knew we were not near as bad off as other people were so we tried not to complain. Instead we did what we could for our resident bird population. They were hungry. Boy were they hungry. We went through most of a 40 pound bad of black oil sunflower seeds. We feed several kinds of wild bird food but it is the sunflower seeds they want the most. Here are a few of the photos I was able to get out the window next to the feeders that were on our front porch. It was amazing how they could see the least movement we made to get close to the window to take photos. I would snap a picture and realize the bird was gone. I had to stand perfectly still by the window and wait for the birds to come back and be in a good place for a photo. The first photo is of one of the male cardinals that we have here. You might not see a lot of the birds that are mostly the color of the tree limbs they sit it but the male cardinals are like little red spotlights. The females have a bit of red but not near as much as the males.

Starling eating frozen orange slices. 

A titmouse and a downey woodpecker.

I like the little titmouse birds. 

Purple finch.

Gold finch.

A of the birds seem to like to eat the sunflower seeds that scattered out of the feeders and were on the ground.

Downey woodpecker

One of the cats birdwatching.

A flicker, which is a kind of woodpecker. 

A starling sitting on the hand rail to the 4 steps up to the porch. 

Female cardinal. 

And male cardinal, mate to the one in the above photo. 

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I love watching the birds come into my courtyard garden. There is a pecking order indeed.