Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Bird Watching

We started bird watching again last fall. We can see them out the front windows. When I first moved here I couldn't see many birds except some robins and Brewers blackbirds. I had put out some sunflower seeds for the chipmunks last fall and some cardinals came in for the seeds. I put out more and more birds came. Bluejays, titmouse, nuthatches, chickadees, doves, and 3 different kinds of woodpeckers. The birdbath had come apart so we drilled holes in the top and we use it as a feeder. Cardinals prefer to eat on the ground. This is a male cardinal. They are a bright red. Always easy to see.

Female Cardinal. Not as bright as the male but still pretty.

The one on this feed pan is a female Cardinal but the smaller bird behind her is a Titmouse. Male and female look the same and are so cute.

Red headed woodpecker on a tube feeder. This Brewers blackbird had figured out how to use the tube feeder but the woodpecker kept chasing it off.

A small flock of Brewers blackbirds. They can empty the feeder in just a few minutes. I try not to put out seed if I think they are around.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Just lovely, the Red Cardinal, the bird of Kentucky as I remember from when I was there at the tender age of 17!