Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween At My House

I raised these pumpkins and decided to draw faces on them instead of carving them.

We have lots of hickory trees in and near our yard. There are hickory nuts, and acorns everywhere. The hickory nuts come off the tree about as big as a golf ball. They come apart in quarters revealing a white nut in the center (see one in center of photo with a piece of grass over it). Then you or a squirrel has to peel the white outer part to find the eatable part. The squirrels and other rodents and critters that eat nuts should have a good harvest this fall from the amount that is on my grass and driveway. Have to sweep the drive of nuts once a week or so as they don't make for easy walking.

Hickory nut shells

Fungus on a dead log with a maple leaf caught on them.


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