Monday, March 26, 2018


So -----my trails have turned again. After moving to Kentucky I put off getting a Kentucky drivers license as long as I could. At first I used the excuse of not wanting to get one and then buy a house and having to change the address on it which would cost more money. Really it was because I didn't want to take the final step of saying I didn't live in New Mexico any more but lived in Kentucky. So today was the big day. It didn't take very long and the people at the Carrollton, KY office were really nice. It seems really weird to me to have a drivers license as I had never had one from any state but New Mexico before.
   And I also, registered to vote.
     Which reminds me that we have had a lot of people finding us on our almost dead end road out in what seems like the middle of no where to  knock on the door and ask us to vote for them. I can't believe now many would be politicians have found us way our here and stopped to talk to us. Seems like an odd time of the year to have an election. Most elections I have voted in where in the fall. This one is for the county sheriff, jailer, magistrate and a few other things.
  Its not a special election as all the counties are doing it. So now I guess I need to figure out who I am going to vote for as I have never heard of any of the people who are running - until they appeared on my door step.
   Of course the guy that came today might get my vote as he said he donated the land and money for the animal control building which is a big plus to my way of thinking. Dogs and cats may have to be put down but it is better than letting them run loose, starve and be hit by cars.
  Speaking of which we found a hound dog on our carport on Saturday while we were having a snow storm. First thought - run him off. We don't need another dog. He wouldn't leave and it was easy to see he had been missing a lot of meals. He was really skinny. Of course being the weekend Animal Control wasn't open. I fed the poor thing. He was friendly but not pushy-friendly. He just wasn't going to leave. A carport with a trash can to cut the wind was better than being out in very wet snow. He wasn't a young dog - I would say about 5 or 6 years old, just at a guess. White with some red spots - maybe a Red Bone Hound. Anyway we built a shelter out of some bigger moving boxes. Added an old dog bed and a blanket. He acted as if he couldn't believe his luck. Food and a bed that cut the wind. He curled up in the box and stayed.
   But Ziva our dog didn't care for him. So we spent the weekend being careful not to walk her near the carport so we didn't have a dog fight. I've seen those and there not fun.
  We fed hound dog again late that night and twice on Sunday. He just stayed in the box shelter. This morning I called Animal Control and they sent a man right out. He said the dog was probably a coon hound and that he would be taken to the Coonhound Rescue group that takes in dogs like him. I was glad they had a rescue group for coonhounds. Guess there is still a lot of coon hunting goes on here. He seemed like a nice dog but I didn't need a coonhound or even a second dog. Hope he finds a good home.

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