Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 Well it has been over a year since I have tried to do anything on this blog but maybe I will now. Don't know why I quite posting. Don't know why I am going to try to do it again now. Just the way it has been and the way it is now. You never know what notion is going to hit you or when it will hit.

   I did get to go to New Mexico this past April and visit with my sister and some friends and do some road trips in New Mexico and Arizona. I have had a heck of a time getting the photos I took to go onto the computer which is probably one of the reasons I have not been posting. I did finally get some to download to the computer and will try to post a few now and then. I took these photos near Las Cruces, New Mexico. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Random Thought ----- People

                   I hope there is a special place in HELL for people who enjoy being morning people. 


              That being said I am sure that those same morning people hope there is a special place in Hell for those of us who are night owls and enjoy staying up all night and then complaining about morning people. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Exploring Spring


Spring Flowers


Front Porch

 New chairs and table for sitting on the porch and watching life go by.

Sitting in the chairs looking out across the front yard.

In the Yard

These are things I saw while sitting on the front porch today.



Redwinged blackbirds and cow birds. None of the redwings wanted to have the red spot on their wings seen.

View from my front porch of the oak tree, the road by my house and the field across from us with trees beyond. 


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Random Thought - Full Moon

     It's Full Moon time again. I have been admiring the full moon for the last couple of nights. I love looking at the moon, in any stage of it's cycle. And at the stars. What few i can see here in Kentucky. I miss all the stars I used to watch when I lived in New Mexico. We had a lot of light pollution there from being close to Albuquerque, but we could see a lot more stars there than here. And I loved watching the moon first peek over the Sandia Mountains east of where I lived (the Sandia Mountains rose to over 10,000 feet in elevation and I lived at about 6300 foot elevation.) and then climb higher and higher into the sky until it was over head and then disappearing off toward the west. Here in Kentucky it seems as if the moon just suddenly appears through the trees and then is gone through another stand of trees. 

     But I have noticed that during a full moon I don't sleep as well as I do the rest of the month. Has anyone else ever noticed this? Not that I sleep well any time and never have in all my life. But the full moon time seems worse. I have even kept a record of sleepless nights for different lengths of time to find out if I really don't sleep as well during a full moon or if it was my weird thoughts. I don't according to my record keeping. 

   We all know how the moon affects the tides of the oceans. So why can't it affect other things as well. 

    I have heard that there are more babies born during a full moon. I know that when I worked the late shift at catalog call centers that during the full moon the crazy people making calls were worse. I'm not talking about people just making an order, although, they could be weirder then, too. I'm talking about the kind of calls you don't want to get - the heavy breathers, and they nasty talkers. 

   I know that that my dogs would want to go out more during a full moon, and in New Mexico I would hear the coyotes howling more during a full moon. And the cats. My cats always try to get into more trouble during a full moon and last night my little 8 year old Siamese decided to have a screaming match with a stray cat sitting out on our front porch. The stary is one I have seen around here for several years now and it tried to come in the house when I went to shoo it off. I have never even tried to get it to come in before. And Chantilly, my cat - I had no idea she could even make a noise like she was. I had never heard her do it before and I have had her since she was a tiny kitten. I guess cats know how to scream like that regardless of where they have lived. Either in the house as Chantilly always has or out side as a half wild cat like the one that had come to visit. 

   Have any readers had simular situations during a full moon?